And his union with the ecclesiastical system, in all points where it doth not agree with the truth.
THE READER MAY see in the fore part of this book, where we were treating of the standing of man, that we made mention, that in the beginning man rejected the commands of God, and accepted the devil for his counselor. And this we began with, together with the whole subject of the first section of our book, as a foundation for the arguments that should follow, and which we shall now use against hypocrisy; but not against the professed sinful world. --For this reason, it is the counsel of satan within the ecclesiastical system, that we are about to discover; and no where else. And since the whole seven churches of the Christian system, both claim Christ to be their foundation and the scriptures their guide; it will be needful to apply to them in this case, and see what description they can give us of the being and character of this great prince of darkness; that we may be the better able to discover his counsel, and to see how far the churches are influenced by it.
The account they give us of the first appearance of this old serpent is, when God first made man. He then appeared, and by some means obtained admittance to the mint where man's thoughts are coined; and took hold of the power of the human mind. And as quick as man's thoughts were exposed to the influence of his counsel, he caused him to transgress God's commands, against his own life. --They tell us in the next place; he moved upon Cain, and through the influence of his counsel, caused him to slay his brother Abel; who was more righteous than himself.
In the next place they tell us; he spread his pavilion over the whole earth, and through the insinuation of his counsel obtained such influence over mankind, that God repented that he had ever made man, and therefore destroyed him by a flood of waters. And they also tell us that this has been his constant practice through all the ages of the world; and that he has had such success in destroying God's creation, through the influence of his counsel, that very few (in comparison of the whole) have escaped destruction. And they tell us; it was for this cause that the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil; and that he is the only defense that is warrantable against the influential counsel of satan.
And the ecclesiastical system, under a sense of this extraordinary crisis in which man is now placed, (between these two great fountains of eternal good and eternal evil,) have judged it expedient that elegant buildings should be erected throughout the world, for the purposes of worship; and to appoint men of the best gifts and talents, to be employed in the study and teaching of the Scriptures; and that at least one seventh part of our time should be taken up in hearing, and meditating on those things; that an humble sense of them might move us in all things; to imitate Christ's example; and, above all things, to abandon pride, which is the bond of destruction, and the first principle of satan -- that if by any means, we might escape the destructive counsel of this great destroyer. who they tell us has the art of beguiling us with self-righteousness, so that there has been more human blood shed to defend a false religion than for any other thing.
And now having received of the ecclesiastical system the above intelligence, we shall put it, together with the doctrine of the scripture into one scale; and the present conduct of the ecclesiastical system into the other, and weigh them by the following discourse; which we now give forth under the fabulous title of an address of satan to the ecclesiastical system; and see what weight it will have on the subject of discovering his counsel. That we may begin to disclose the mystery of priest-craft, which we presume is the cause of the present distracted state of the world.
Though the following be a fable, yet how much of it is the truth, must be left to the judgment of the reader.
An Address of Satan to the ecclesiastical system, under the similitude of his own bodily presence.
Satan, to all classes of the ecclesiastical system that profess Christ's name, and prove traitors in his service.
I now address you as my sworn subjects; under full power of my authority; feeling much gratified, to see my kingdom established on the ruins of God's creation! Though I have been wounded by Christ, the invader of my possessions, yet I hold before you the greatness of my power, and the glory of my kingdom. I am the great and high prince, and God of this world. O, ye sons of men! I am that great red dragon, that was cast out into the earth; even that old serpent, called the devil and satan; that deceives the whole world, Rev. 12.9. And this is no dream nor fancy; for I have actually done it; and do it; for power is given unto me over all kindreds, tongues and nations, Rev. 13.7. And I continue my speech to my subjects. Unto you, O men! I call; and my voice is to the sons of men. I am your god; and I warn you of my great enemy, Christ -- that you be not found obedient to any of the requirements of this contracted plan. My ways are broad and easy. I am high in heart; and teach the same to you. That in all nations you may set my worship in high places -- that it may be adorned with all the splendid glory which belongs to the prince, that offered Christ all the glory of this world. That your places of worship may appear beautiful unto men; --high and lofty; above all other buildings; in cities, towns and country villages. That you may invite and draw all people into the broad way, with the bells of popularity. And let my servants, your ministers, be men of the best gift and talents; for so were your fathers the false prophets. And be not like Christ's apostles, who were ignorant and unlearned men. Even his great apostle Paul, (they said) in bodily presence, was weak; and his speech contemptible. But let it not be so with you. Fear ye not; I am your god; and will uphold you with my spirit. For it is my will that you should have the praise of men; and receive from them titles of honor. For the ways of Christ, our great enemy, are contrary to all men; and even to nature itself; as you may see throughout all his precepts; for example, see I Cor. I.26, 27,28, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh; not many mighty; not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen."
This is no description of an accomplished member of society. Faithful subjects! when you execute the priest's office in my service; put on a dress suitable to your ministration; and let your bodily presence be amiable; and your speech affable; and your countenance grave and solemn. Salute the people with a comely behavior, that you may glory in your own presence. For, verily, I say unto you, except your outward appearance of righteousness shall exceed that of Christ's ministers, you shall in no case deceive the world.
Loyal subjects! Let me teach you to pray. Thou, when thou prayest; enter into thy synagogue, and public assemblies; lifting up holy hands, that you may appear unto men to pray; for what delicate character, professing christianity, would prohibit public prayer, in the following manner? Matt. 6.6. "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray," &c. I say, therefore, I commend you to the obedience of my precepts; for public prayer is an ornament to my worship and you shall have your reward. And now; O, ye priests; this commandment is for you. If you will be my servants indeed; and keep all your wickedness from the light; them I will send my wolf-like spirit, and it shall light on you like a dove, in the presence of the world; and I will cause the world to love you; to praise, honor and bless you; and give you a name above all common people.
And they shall feed you; and give you money; and doubly reward you for all your trouble. And I will send my anti-christian spirit into your hearts, at all times when you are preaching; that you may be able to speak before the people with the tongues of man and angels. For I would that you preach all the letter of the Scriptures; that if there be any that hath received Christ's spirit, when they hear the Scriptures issue out of your mouths, they may take you to be the true ministers of Christ; and so make your covetous life their example. This is the best snare to destroy the soul of mankind, of any net that I have ever yet spread.
Our enemy, Christ saith: "When ye fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance; for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast." But I say unto you, when you fast, appoint a day by law, and read an open proclamation thereof; and command all people to attend: for unto you, kings and rulers, I say, it is your wisdom and prudence to appoint days of public worship, which are not commanded in the scriptures, and establish the same by law; and impose fines and penalties, to cause all people to attend. And ye ministers at my service, I will that ye receive your order of worship by the commandments of men. For I am with you, and will teach you how to prescribe rules of worship to the civil power, that they may establish and protect them, and then receive them again from under their hands, and you shall be protected by them also; that we may all be combined under one system; I in you, and you with them, and they with me.
It seems by the whole run of the doctrine of Christ, our great foe, he has adopted a system comprised of infinite principles, and precepts; and then commands obedience thereunto by finite beings; and says he has chosen them out of the world, John xv.18, &c. "If the world hat you, you know it hated m before it hated you; if ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
Most obedient servants, and ministers of the outer court; I have chosen you in the world, as I said unto you before; that the world shall love you, and reward you, and make you free from all public expense, with many other privileges; which shall enable you to train up your children in high life; even in my ways of pride, ease and luxury; by which means they shall become two fold more the children of hell than yourselves.
And now let us hear a little more of the requirements of this narrow contracted plan. "But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you," Matt. 5.44. "From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?" James 4.1. "Abstain form fleshly lusts, that war against the soul," I. Pet. 2.11. An even the whole of his gospel is, to teach men to be of a meek and lamb-like spirit, and to follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. And to bring into subjection all their passions; such as pride, self-will, wrath, anger, malice, strife, and to forbear one-another in love; and to forgive each other, as christ hath forgiven them.
Well it may be said of this straight and narrow way, "Few there be that find it." For what character, professing heroism, would put his neck under this yoke, except such as professedly revolt from the law of nature.
It is for these things, I now address myself unto the whole ecclesiastical system. I am the devil, the great author of the depraved state of man; in which I glory; and which, I rejoice to see the prince of peace, and his subjects, striving in vain to reclaim. Most obedient children! I heartily address you, with great boldness and confidence of gaining your hearing; for your eyes see, and your ears hear, that it is your father, the devil, that speaks to you; through the impulses of nature, and by the motions of sin, working in your members to bring forth fruit unto death. It would have been my first wish, that my servants should openly confess the name of their master. But for the better accomplishing of my designs, I counsel that my plans be executed under a cloak of religion. For it is a mask of religion without, and a double portion of my spirit within, which eclipses the spirit of Christ; and cuts short the power of human reason, and puts pride in its place; that causes mankind to bring forth the fruit you now see and hear of all over the world. Agreeably to my counsel; in all cases resent an insult from your fellows, and go to war with them; embody yourselves and march to the field of battle, with religion at your tight hand; and appoint one of my servants. your ministers, a chaplain, to pray for your success. And there encamp, one against the other; and let my servants, your priests, on both sides, put up a prayer to the God of heaven, that you may gain the victory over each other; cherishing the belief, that all that die gloriously in battle, go immediately to heaven. And when you are coming together to do the work of human butchery, if a sense of the horrid piece of work which you are about to perform shall fill your soldiery with terror; benumb their senses with intoxicating liquor; and put on confusion and distraction, under the name of courage and valor; and fear not, for I will be with you; and fill your hearts with such vengeance, through the immediate influence of my spirit, that you shall be able to perform all my will and pleasure. And when you have sufficiently soaked the ground with the blood of your fellow men; and humbled their hearts, and have gotten your wills upon them; then return, and let my servant, your minister, lift up his voice before you, (whose hearts are of one accord,) unto the God of heaven, with praise and thanks, for the victory. That you have been able to do such deeds, as to bereave parents of their sons; wives of their husbands, and children of their fathers; whose bitter mourning and lamentation, time and death only can wipe away. And then return home, full of the glory of your own shame; and tell your rulers, you have saved their pride; gratified their ambition; and saved a little of the trash of this world; --for which you have taken the lives of your fellow creatures, each one of whom is worth more than all the treasures of India. For all such things belong to the religion that I delight in.
And now I address myself to all classes of the ecclesiastical system, as a father to his children; even to you who bow to all, or any of my precepts; against all or any of the commands of Christ, our great enemy. That each one may fill his station; in the performance of the establishment of the worship of my kingdom.
Ye fathers; I exhort, that you exercise yourselves in laying up treasure on earth.
And ye young men; that you likewise embrace every opportunity to get riches, which are an honor to youth; that in the performance thereof, your hearts may be raised high in pride, which always goes before destruction; and you shall be called the children of this world.
And ye elderly women; that you be upholders of pride in your families, that you teach your daughters the fashions of this life. For it is my delight to see your galleries filled with pride. For what can be more glorious, than to see young women dressed in the first fashions of the day. Verily, I say unto you, that even Solomon, in all his glory, did not fulfill and gratify the lusts of the eye like one of these.
And ye ministers of the civil law; I counsel, that you swerve not from your mutual confederacy with the ecclesiastical system. That for the sake of your honor, you strictly attend to your oaths; and put in motion all laws, and modes of punishment, which may tend to compel all kinds of people to submit to our precepts, which are in opposition to the rules of Christ.
And ye merchants; that you fulfill the saying that is written; "It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer, and when he is gone his way he boasteth."
And ye innkeepers; that you put the bottle to your neighbor; that you may look on his nakedness; to the advantage of your self-interest.
And ye physicians; that you increase your wealth by your neighbor's calamity.
And ye lawyers; that you be advocates of strife and contention.
And ye freemasons; that you propagate the works of darkness.
And ye sailors; that you get drunk, and follow your lewd ways.
And ye deacons; that ye grind the faces of the poor.
And ye priests; that you have a willing mind to receive a gift, though the giver be ever so poor. And that you bear in every point, Christ's true description of the hypocrite. And if the light discover you to be of no beneficial use to the people in one place, follow your call to another; but let it be where the people are proud and the money plenty. But wisdom is profitable to direct. "For where the carcass is, there the eagles are gathered together."
Now, you, being all citizens of this world, are built upon the foundation of earthly things; where satan bears rule, in whom all the building, fitly framed together, but that which every joint supplieth, groweth into a compact body of sin: where you situate yourselves in your meeting-houses, to hear the sacred noise of religion, having your mouths filled with all the fullness of the external worship of God, and your hearts with my spirit; unto whom is reserved the blackness and darkness, forever; world without end, Amen.
Given forth through the smoke of the bottomless pit, by the prince of the power of the air, that rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience.
And now, having discovered the counsel of satan, by the present conduct of the ecclesiastical system, compared with the doctrine of Christ; we shall proceed to draw the line between church and state.
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