"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets."
THROUGH THE DEPRAVITY and weakness of human nature, mankind are always liable to self-blindness; and therefore it is well to be cautious when we undertake to pull out the mote that is in our brother's eye, that a beam be not in our own. And for this reason, it is our first request that any of our friends that shall see our arguments not to be founded on the truth, would publicly expose them; that in all cases truth may be promoted in preference to error.
And on this ground we offer the following treatise; in which we boldly attempt to expose hypocrisy wheresoever it may be found; judging it to be the bounden duty of every man, when, or wheresoever he shall see his brother endangered by errors, to tell him his faults, both for his own good, and for that of the public in general.
We find that the great contest, in this lower world, is between the two spirits of good and evil; the spirit of Christ and the spirit of Satan; --and the place where the battle is fought is in the human breast, or in man's nature, and terminates in his final happiness or destruction. But among all the devices by which Satan prevails against man, that of hypocrisy holds a prominent place, and in almost all ages, has caused even whole nations to stray from that simplicity and uprightness, in which man was first made by his Creator. In all past ages it has existed, and reigns in the world at the present day -- yet, when the fullness of time shall come, it shall be unmasked, and stand as a monument, for an example to rising generations.
In order that the reader may see the motive of the Authors in the following treatise, he will take notice that they have frequently used the words "Priest," "Priest-craft" and "Ecclesiastical System," to hold forth a corrupt Church, under the discipline of a false ministration; and that they have frequently used the words "true minister" and "true church," to hold forth a Church under the discipline of a true ministration; and that it has not been their intention to designate any one or more sects as being false or true -- but to conclude with Pope, who says:
"For modes of faith, let graceless zealots fight
His can't be wrong, whose life is in the right."
It is a true relation, that we do here relate;
And may the whole creation, such vicious conduct hate.
Had men but understanding, to view the present day;
The Priests would soon be landing; and Priest-craft float away.
Why are we in such slavery, to men of that degree;
Bound to support their knavery; when we might all be free?
They're nothing but a canker; we can with boldness say;
So let us hoist the anchor -- let Priest-craft float away.
It is a dark confusion, that people welter in;
To harbor such delusion; to plead for righteous sin.
If truth could but come forward, and justice bear the sway,
The Priest would sink in horror and Priest-craft float away.
He must be an offender, who gives the truth its place;
Yet let him not surrender, but look them in the face,
And fight with smoke and fire, till truth resolves the day,
And leaves them in the mire, till Priest-craft floats away.
The Priests are up in splendor; they on the people ride;
They are furnish'd with a tender, --they go with wind and tide;
Their sail is ever standing; they're almost o'er the bay;
The Priests will soon be landing, and Priest-craft float away.
The world shall see, like Babel, their shattered building
And that they are not able, the gospel to enthrall;
When truth's our ammunition, we fight without dismay,
Therefore, without condition, let Priest-craft float away.
The Priests are on a nettle, to see their glory cease;
Because they cannot settle, on any terms of peace;
Therefore, with amaze and wonder, they languish in the fray;
For truth will fetch them under, and Priest-craft float away.
For truth, and her communion; which they do sorely hate,
Will bread that horrid union -- of Devil, Church and State;
And then their pride and grandeur, they on the ground shall lay;
And all their hosts shall wander; and Priest-craft float away.
The Martyrs have been murder'd, by that infernal crew;
Now may the truth be further'd, and Priests receive their due;
Tho' man have not believ'd it, the ground shall speak and say,
Their blood I have receiv'd it -- let Priest-craft float away.
St. Paul was kill'd by Nero -- and Christ by Pilate slain;
And many a valiant hero under Queen Mary's reign;
But now we're filled with laughter; we leap to see the day --
Our tribes come marching after -- and Priest-craft floats away.
The Priests have broke their order -- O, drive their armies
We now invade their borders their city we attack;
Though lies have been their shelter; and cruelty their play,
We'll laugh to see them skelter, and Priest-craft float away.
O, make their habitation a desert court for owls!
O, give an invitation! invite the winged fowls; --
Ye winged flocks of heaven! Come feast upon the prey!
To you this host is given, while Priest-craft float away.
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