Primitively Restored, by her Address to the Secular Power: or
Answer to the Forgoing Proclamation, in which She Declares
Herself Independent.
TRUE CHURCH TO the secular power. You have now returned to your former dignity; being invested with the authority that God gave you; and in that you are the ministers of God, attending on the service of the moral law, in things pertaining to this life. But as I am redeemed from your kingdom by the blood of Jesus Christ, through the acceptation of the conditions of that purchase, which, (by the glad tidings of the proclamation of free grace,) is offered to every son and daughter of Adam; unto all of whom God hath committed the gift of free agency; I say, having accepted the conditions of that purchase, I am thereby required to retire from the service of your kingdom, and look for protection another way. But inasmuch as I am passing through your kingdom, I am commanded wholly to submit to your laws; while you are acting within the limits of your commission. But I may not be acting with you; for even a prisoner of war is not justified in acting against the interest of his own king.
A Declaration of the Independence of the true church.
I, knowing myself to be the true seed and offspring of the second Adam, unto whom God hath given the government of the church; and that he hath given me every thing necessary for my defense, without going to the secular power for help. I, being now separated from all impostures, cleave unto my only true head and husband, who is my only king, priest and prophet; unto whose fatherly care I commit my soul, body and spirit, whose I am, being members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, Eph. 5. 30. From whose fullness I receive the support of my hungry soul; and unto whose will I bow my knee, and greatly rejoice, in thankfulness of heart, for his divine presence, and protection from all my enemies; and in whose defense I stand, to the sacrificing of all things appertaining to this life. And in consideration of these things, I now give forth this my declaration of independence.
Firstly, I shake off all sectarianism; leaving to myself one only indivisible system; where there is neither Greek nor Jew; circumcision nor uncircumcision; Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free; but Christ is all and in all.
Secondly, I cleave to the bible, as my only book of directions through this life; (by which I condemn all artificial scriptures, as creeds, catechisms, confessions of faith, &c. given forth from the dark hearts of men, while possessing only the wisdom and learning of this world, and not by the inspiration of God;) that my subjects may partake at one fountain of light, causing them all to see eye to eye.
Thirdly, I pronounce to myself useless, all instruments of death, made to destroy mankind; whom Christ came into the world, not to destroy, but to save; having commanded me to love all men, my enemies not excepted.
Fourthly, I pronounce all earthly laws and penalties useless in defense of heavenly treasures; and I have no other, as it is written to me, "Fear not, little flock; for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." "Sell that you have and give alms"; "provide for yourselves bags that wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not"; "where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth; for where your treasure is, there will your hearts be also."
Fifthly, On the conditions of my redemption from the curse of this world, I condemn all its friendship and honor; enduring the cross and despising the shame.
Sixthly, I refuse to receive into fellowship, any secular officer, (either civil or military,) unless he shall first resign his commission, by being convinced that it is impossible for a member of Christ's mystical body, to exercise authority and bring sinners to justice; while he himself enjoys that peaceable kingdom, where the free grace and voluntary mercy of Jesus Christ is extended to forgive sins.
Seventhly, I boldly stand to out-face all human laws, that are made to compel me to transgress the laws of my own king; seeing Christ hath ever been with me as a mighty, terrible one, by whom I have fought against all the bloody persecutions; and have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of my testimony, Rev. 12. 11. Therefore, I am well able to defend my independence on every side, to the world's end.
Given forth by virtue of Christ's commands, from the hearts of his children.
Now having seen the standing of the true church, when restored to her proper place; which no man is able to disprove by the scriptures; we shall in the next place, (agreeably to our statement) turn to the religion of the present day, and see what sect is in the true standing, that we may not cause the world to halt any longer between so many opinions.
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