Of the Christian Religion, of every Sect and Denomination of people, that Venture to go on in Rebellion to Christs Gospel. Delivered by a repenting sinner, in behalf of the sinful world.
HOW LONG, O Lord, shall the enemy magnify himself against us? I am not called to contend with men of my equals, for then should I suffer, only, when guilty of pronouncing unrighteous judgment. But I am now called to contend with those that are wont to turn judgment into gall, and righteousness into hemlock; therefore I am not prompt in my own conceit; but am as one that must appear in behalf of the sinful world, against the learned priest; under a sense of our own simplicity, who have ever been dashed out of countenance at his presence, when pleading out cause against priest-craft; for which we have been constrained to suffer the vengeance of his wrath, by the sword, faggot and fire, at the thought of which my lips now quiver.
O, give me strength this one time, that we may be avenged on the advocates of priest-craft. That I may speak in such demonstration of the truth, as to cause their countenance to fall at the presence of the sinful world; and not only so, but even in all nations, where that expedition had been carried on against us; that we may have a mouth and face to attack them in such order, and with such for4ce of speech as to penetrate their capital, and scale and throw down the double walls of "Mystery, Babylon the great," and lay them open to the swing of the Battle-axe, that we may dash them to pieces like a potters vessel, and discover all the dark corners of their city, where they have been murdering and concealing the blood of our former brethren, the martyrs. And although I am of uncircumcised lips; yet grant me the spirit of truth, which is as the best wine, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak; so shall I utter knowledge clearly.
"Ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in." Matthew XXIII. 13.
Brethren, (we call you brethren, because we are sons of one creator,) it is something extraordinary that the time is come, that this saying must needs be fulfilled, "You put the cart before the horse" or otherwise speaking, that the sheep should feed the pastors; for it is written, "Should not the shepherd feed the flock?" But it is for many years that you have been sowing your seed among us, and it seems it is time for you to reap the benefit of your labor; and that we that have been taught by you should trace your steps back, that we may have whereof to communicate to our teachers.
It is well known that the christian religion has been in the world eighteen centuries, since she first, through the day-spring from on high, visited the earth. And also, that three hundred years of the first part of this time, although she stood in opposition to the powers of this world, and under cruel persecutions; yet she mightily grew and flourished, until about the fourth century; at which time a general revolution took place, through the governing parts of the earth, and she was delivered from her persecutors; being a great church, and standing on her own foundation. And from that day down to this, the priesthood of this religion (falsely so called) has been preaching to us, a sinful world, though broken in sect, but under one lineage of ordination. Yet they have not brought the world nor the church to a state of perfection, but much to the contrary. For when they first took the christian church by the hand, to lead her through the ensuing ages of the world, she then stood on her own feet, enjoying a well unified system of her own. And what is she now? Though it is true she has not experienced any general revolution since; yet she is now broken all to pieces, and become a house divided against herself, which cannot stand, but must finally fall. And this unparalleled circumstance has rendered it necessary that the sinful world, unto whom, you the said priests, have been preaching, should have somewhat to preach unto you; at least one sermon in retaliation of the innumerable multitude, you have been preaching unto us.
In the first place, it may be considered that the words of our text were spoken by our Savior, Christ, when he was engaged in warning the multitude of the danger they were in of being deceived by a certain set of men, then called the scribes and pharisees. And also warning the said scribes and pharisees, of the danger they were in of eternal damnation, for deceiving the world and themselves. Unto whom he pronounced these words, --"Ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."
In order to apply this scripture to the present occasion, we purpose to argue from the words of our text under these three following heads.
Firstly. To show whether the kingdom of heaven may not be shut up against men at this present age of the world, as well as at that time in which these words were spoken.
Secondly. To examine the conduct of this class of men now before us; and show whether they are not guilty of this evil.
Thirdly. To turn our discourse to our fellow sinners, and prescribe some way, and means, by which this deadly evil may be removed; that the kingdom of heaven may be again opened; that the sons of men may have free course thereinto.
Then, Firstly, we are to show whether the kingdom of heaven may not be shut up against men at the present age of the world, as well as at the time in which these words were spoken. But under this head we need not enlarge. For it is evident that if ever the kingdom of heaven was shut up against men, at any age of the world, it is now; for these three following reasons.
Firstly. Because the world is filled with the external worship of God, without the fruits of righteousness.
Secondly. Because God is pouring out his judgments upon the inhabitants of the earth, which is a token of his displeasure.
Thirdly. The inconsistency of so many sects of religion; for it is said there are more than a hundred. Which implies more than a hundred ways into the kingdom of heaven; which shows that there is just no way at all. For it is written, "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way, that leads to life." So that if there is any way, there is but one right way, out of more than a hundred. And if the riddle that has, or should have, more than a hundred holes in it, is all stopped up but one hole, (speaking after the manner of men,) it may be said the riddle is stopped up. So that we shall not need to go any further under this head, but immediately proceed.
Secondly. To examine the conduct of this class of men now before us, and show whether they are not guilty of this evil. In the first place, in order to arrange our discourse under this head, we shall begin to examine their conduct, as it respects the contract between us, and the manner and form in which it ahs been fulfilled. And secondly, your conduct in preaching. And thirdly, in prayer. And fourthly, your habit, &c. And fifthly, we shall close this discourse with a short exhortation to you.
Firstly. Brethren, we do the more cheerfully address ourselves unto you under this second head, because we know you to be a class of men, that are acquainted with the history of the christian religion; and, therefore, may not dispute the truth. For a little acquaintance with the ecclesiastical histories, and especially with the books of the martyrs, will furnish us with sufficient witness to prove, that we have been dealing with you in priest-craft, fourteen centuries past, without a settlement, in manner and form as we shall now describe.
You first signified to us, that you were endowed with power from on high, to open to us the mysteries contained in the bible; to show unto us the way of salvation; that we might have admittance into the kingdom of heaven. Declaring that unto you was committed the word of reconciliation, to wit that Christ was in you, reconciling the world unto himself, having anointed you to preach the gospel to the poor.
This power you said you had received of God, who said unto you, "Freely ye have received, freely give." So you offered your service to us, without money and without price. But you made a small reserve, that ST. Paul said, "Ye shall not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn"; and that the workman is worthy of his meat; and also, that it is ordained that they who preach the gospel, should live of the gospel. And you told us, you were no better than St. Paul, and that as good a living as St. Paul had, would be as good as was deserving for you.
These were the terms of your own office; so we concluded to go by the rules that Paul left that those who were called out of their own employment to go from place to place to preach the gospel, like Paul should fare as well as the rest of the brethren. And the settled elders, that were at home in their business, we concluded would follow the rule that Paul left, that as the gift of God could not be purchased with money, and that the priest is detained no longer to preach than the people are to hear; and that he is not compelled by the people to preach to them, any oftener than the Lord gives him orders to preach; and that he is looking for his reward from heaven; --therefore, we concluded that you would covet no mans silver, or gold, or apparel, bout work with your own hands, that you might help support the poor; because "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Therefore, as we accepted you, to be a blessed people, endowed with the spirit of God, we thought that your judgment was better than ours; so we let you take your own way.
And when you found the staff was in your own hand, you immediately raised yourselves up, and became companions of the rich, and you grew idle, and required a much higher living than you could afford to poor laboring men, who bore all your burthens for a small proportion of their earnings, at the best, and often, part of that kept back by fraud. And, at length, it became your whole study, to cultivate yourselves in such complete order, as to allure and draw our attention, till you decoyed us, by degrees, into a state of servitude to your extravagant demands.
In the fore part of this contract the priest received one-tenth of all the produce of our possessions; bedsides the expense of popes, priests, pardons and indulgences, monuments of idolatry, murdering thousands of people, confiscating their goods, &c. the amount of which is beyond description, which was all drawn out of the laboring people. The second class of you, still demanded the tenth of all or produce, besides great sums of money and other privileges, which enabled you to crush the poor laboring people to the ground. The third class of you levied your expense on us by demanding elegant settlements, great salaries, wood, &c.; and if we were poor, and neglected to pay the sum demanded by you, you would compel us to draw each other about to jail, and elsewhere, till we were glad to pay, though our children were suffering for their daily food. But the forth class of you, has of late appeared to have some consideration, in respect to dealing without money, and without price; (though it may be remarked that you have not often refused money,) therefore you have received of us the fat, wool, quarters of beef, pork, mutton, veal, tallow, hams, poultry, grain, cider, cheese, butter, fish, yarn, wood, timber, labor, &c. &c. But you set no price on your craft, that we might be ever paying you. And now it remains that all this account stands against you; for you have in no shape fulfilled your engagement; neither are you able to refund our account.
Brethren, having gone through with your conduct, as it respects the contract between us, and that manner and form in which it has been fulfilled. It appears, by your dishonest dealing, that you are no better than the scribes and pharisees. Having broken the bargain between us, (made on the terms of your own proposals,) in that you have not followed the directions of Paul; but, instead of "Making yourselves of no reputation, and taking on you the form of a servant," you have made yourselves lords over Gods heritage; having enlarged your desires beyond measure, to receive the pelf of this world; and have taken the advantage of our liberality, to feed yourselves with the good things of this life, but have not fed the flock.. And we should not need to go any further under this head, to show who it is that has shut up the kingdom of heaven against us, were it not that it is expedient for us to go through, and give to the world your true character; that it may seal the instructions of the rising generations; that our children that come after us may no more do so unwisely, as their fathers have done. Therefore we proceed.
Secondly, To your conduct in preaching. Brethren, Notwithstanding you are under the strongest obligations to preach, and open to us the mysteries contained in the bible by the foregoing contract, as well as the enormous sums which you have received from us; yet it is so astonishing that characters of the foregoing description, should have the boldness to enter into the pulpit, and there, under the express influence of some spirit, stand, and artfully handle the words of the prophets; while they challenge to themselves authority form God to teach and to preach. I say this is so astonishing, that were it not for the word of God, it would be impossible to disclose this mystery to the world. But thanks be to him that reveals mysteries, we have the authority of an inspired apostle to say, "This is no marvel, for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing, if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness." By this it is evident that your teaching, and your preaching has been with enticing words of mens wisdom, and in demonstration of the spirit of anti-christ; with all lying signs and artificial holy maneuvres; as rolling up the eyes, tossing the head, and staring with impudence on the people. And, as though your sermons would be better accepted when delivered through eloquence, and with an excellent tone of voice. And on this very ground you have now filled the world with your sermons, both verbal and printed. Since the christian religion first began to break to pieces, you have preached a thousand times as many sermons as there are letters in the bible; and explained every text almost as many different ways, as you have preached sermons from it; till you have brought yourselves to confusion and open contradiction, as we see at this day. And the sinful world would be better off, if your sermons were all committed to the flames, and we had nothing but the bible to teach us, than it is now. For the former has convulsed the whole earth, and shut up the heavens; while the latter is able, through faith, to make us wise unto salvation.
Thirdly, Although we use great plainness of speech yet, if in any point we impeach your character, beyond the truth, we are ready, at your request to make an humble acknowledgement. Or if there are any of you that are without knowledge; as, doubtless there are thousands, that are ignorant of your standing, we pray that you may be justified as much as the case will admit, and that your eyes may be opened. But as many of you as shall stand in open rebellion to the truth, in this your glaring situation, we demand your attention.
Brethren, hold up your heads in the presence of the sinful world, and may the truth unveil your gracious looking faces, and leave on your countenances that show of guilt which none but you could have merited, (because you have been put in the place of Christs ministers, unto whom is committed the key of the kingdom of heaven;) for we have further to declare unto you, concerning your conduct in prayer, on which subject we shall now freely speak.
Prayer is a gift given by our great creator to his creatures. And the apostle Paul saith, "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made for all men," &c. And again, "I will, therefore, that men pray every where, lifting up hold hands, without wrath and doubting." And it is an invaluable privilege, that is granted to the sons of men; that they may come boldly to the throne of grace at all times when they are in trouble, and pour out a prayer without hypocrisy and without deceit, when his chastisement is upon them, who hath promised to hear our prayers. But let this, as will as all other lawful things, be done with temperance and with judgment. In eating and drinking, let not a man go to excess, lest he make himself a glutton and a drunkard; and that excellent gift of meat and drink, become his ruin. Likewise in prayer, let it be done with this limitation, that no man go beyond and violate Christs commands, lest he be found walking in the step[s of the scribes and pharisees, using vain repetition, and taking the name of his maker in vain, and his prayer become sin; "For God will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
In this respect, Brethren, how shall we compare your conduct with the doctrine of Christ, who saith, "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men," &c.; "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." And again, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetition, as the heathen do, for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking."
Sins that are committed through the frailty of our nature, are winked at; but who shall make an atonement for those that shall indulge the sin of hypocrisy, against the very author of our redemption? This has been your constant practice for ages past; to get up in the pulpit, in the presence of him who knows what you have need of, before you ask him; and there stand, and publicly pray for every thing you conjecture to be according to his will; and before leave the pulpit, rise and pray again, or indulge the same vanity by calling on somebody else to do it. And what is this more than pretending to pray? Or what is it less than using vain repetition? "Wo unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, for ye devour widows houses, and for a pretence make long prayers; therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." Do you not tremble at these words, which shall stand good when heaven and earth have passed away? Or will you dispense with them while Gods long patience is extended toward you? Which if you do; (until your iniquities shall be filled up;) be it known unto you, that every one of these sentences shall come upon you, quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and to the rending off of such an awful veil of deception; and to the stripping you of your glorious robe of external worship, and laying you peeled, naked and bare, in the eyes of the sinful world, until you shall become a taunt and a proverb to the rising generations.
But now we come, Fourthly, to treat on the manner of your habit, &c. Brethren, as you profess to know the scriptures, we shall still succeed in bringing you to the test. We read in Exodus 28th, that the priests under the law, were commanded of God to ward holy garments, of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. And we read under the gospel, Rev. 19. 8, that is was granted to the wife, or church of Christ, that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, the fine linen being the righteousness of saints. But where in all the bible, do we find that God has commanded Ministers, either of the law or gospel, to wear black apparel, and gracious faces, attended with such an artificial hold cant? To you we make the appeal to quote the passage; which, if you can, we will acknowledge your obedience to God, in so doing. If not, from henceforth may black apparel, and disguised faces, serve for nothing else but to distinguish those that are possessed of a double portion of the black spirit of anti-christ; that men may be delivered from the charms of their enemies, and from the deceitful smiles of those that pick their purses. And as you say black apparel becomes your ministration, so now let it be according to your words.
But time would fail us to give a full account of all your conduct, and to tell how like satan you have been running to and fro through the earth, and walking up and down in it, seeking for honor and popularity; presenting yourselves at all such times, as when God hath been visiting the sinful world, by pouring on us the spirit of supplication and concern for our souls; at which times you have been watching and waiting, ready to meet us with Christs ordinances, and with your flattering lips and lying tongue, transformed yourselves in the name of him that cometh with good tidings, to publish salvation; with your glorious robe of external worship, as a mist, to cast over us; under which you cause us to commit that unpardonable sin, by taking to us seven other spirits worse that our own, which only serves to ripen the earth for destruction; and this experience hath taught us. For when we look back on the state of religion from one reformation to another, we see it more and more broken to pieces and confounded. As if the creature of itself was not enough subject to vanity, without your assistance to help fill up their iniquity; that the sins of the world without you should not be made perfect. And on the other hand, it seems your condemnation could not have been complete, without our assistance to minister to your necessity, and help to perform your premeditated designs, to be sure to get money; that through the gratification of your insatiable appetite, you may become worthy communicants with Simon Magus, and the scribes and pharisees of old; to partake with them at the banquet with the worshippers of the beast and his image, "In drinking the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture, into the cup of his indignation;" "Whose judgment, now of a long time, lingereth not," and whose damnation is just.
Fifthly. And now, Brethren, suffer the word of exhortation to have free course among you; though it be in the name of the sinful world, unto whom Christ hath said in vain, "Beware ye of the leaven of the pharisees, which is hypocrisy." For thou thinkest thou, O vain priest! that thou shalt be more excusable than we, unto whom Christ hath said in vain "Be not as the hypocrites." "Or despiseth thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance, and long suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance. But after thy hardness and impenitent heart, treasureth up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous judgment of God." When that awful day shall be revealed, which has already come on thousands of you in the European part of the world; who, having fallen by the French revolution for the same sin of hypocrisy, are gone to give an account of the deeds done in the body.
Therefore, we exhort you to lay aside every weight, and this sin of hypocrisy that hath so long time beset you; and that now, at the last hour of the day, you come forward to the light, that a sight and a sense of your standing may reduce your hard hearts to a state of repentance, that you no longer spend the remainder of your days in idleness, studying vain words to deceive the simple, and going about from house to house, visiting the rich and feasting yourselves on the good things of this life, "And leading captive silly women, laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts; ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." And that you no more make the gospel of Christ a servant to your lusts, to receive gifts and rewards. But level yourselves down with laboring people, and go to work for a living, as all men are commanded. And furthermore, that you tell the world what you have been about. When ignorant people shall honor you with the title of the true ministers of Christ, say to them we are not the true ministers of Christ, the name of the spirit with which we have been possessed, is Legion which having found a place to conceal its habitation within us, has at every occasion leaped out into the world, and entered into the hearts of men as he did into the swine; and mingled their religion with the spirit of confusion, as we see at this day. Tell them it is heaven against men; that you have not gone in yourselves, nor suffered them that were entering to go in. But it is time for us to proceed to our third head.
Thirdly. We are to turn our discourse to our fellow sinners, and prescribe some ways and means by which this deadly evil may be removed; that the kingdom of heaven may be again opened, that the sons of men may have free course thereinto. It is written, "And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach except they be sent?" Fellow sinners: You are doubtless apprized of this our depraved state; (whilst we behold the present conduct of our teachers, who are now holding to us the terms of salvation; while every one hath a fashion of his own, hath a principle, hath a doctrine, hath a church, hath a meeting house; each one going heaven-ward, though under the condemnation of all the rest. For while one is a witness to us that he himself can lead us in the way of salvation, we have the witness of all the rest to pronounce against him the sentence of condemnation.) And seeing the way thus shut up against us, do not our faces gather blackness while we stand gazing one on another?
Be ye astonished, O heavens, at this, and be horribly affrighted, ye sinful world, for they have committed two evils; they have shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; they have not gone in themselves nor suffered them that were entering to go in. And we may as will apply to beelzebub for salvation, as to apply to them that have shut up the kingdom of heaven against us. Neither may we undertake to teach them any more, lest they laugh in their sleeve and say one to another , we fear not God, much less regard man; we shall still pursue our evil course of life, walking in the way of Cain, and running greedily after the error of Balaam, for reward; and to-morrow shall be as to-day and much more abundant. Or lest we be found challenging them, while their impenitent heart and ashamed face, and whores forehead, will not suffer them to blush; while they vindicate their cause and justify themselves in the breach of Gods special commands; though openly convicted of extortion, theft and whoredom, the penalty of which is death and judgment. It seems as if they had made a covenant with death, and with hell are they in agreement. For they are so hardened in sin and addicted to their practices, that they will no more be admonished. They are already wiser, in their own conceit, than seven men that can render a reason. Therefore it is time to quit them forever.
Our pilots have brought our civil and ecclesiastical ship into deep waters, till she is now broken to pieces; and many of us know it not, but are contending for the best berth, while she is sinking. So we withdraw our petition, and send it forth another way, that it may go with our cries up before him who is able to make a way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters; and call those things which are not, as though they were. And although we may not make mention of his name, except by way of the scriptures, yet may we venture, as Jonah from the whales belly, to look once more to his holy temple; that as he hath begun, he would succeed in breaking them to pieces.
"Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God." "O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself, thou judge of the earth; render a reward to the proud." "O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments." "To us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee."
Fellow sinners! We have this truth to make known unto you. That when God first planted the christian church, she was a noble vine, wholly a right seed; and that she is now turned into a degenerate plant of a strange vine unto him. And this was the state of the church under the law, against which the kingdom of heaven was shut up before. And there is no other way for us now, but to compare the state of the two churches together; and when we see how the kingdom of heaven was opened to the church under the law, then we shall see how it may be opened to the church under the gospel, and no other way; for the same God that planted one planted the other. For it was he that first called Abram and said unto him, "I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make they name great; and thou shalt be a blessing; and I will bless them that bless thee; and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of thee earth be blessed." So Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob, and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs"; and these were the twelve foundations on which the church under the first covenant, was built, whom he brought into Egypt. And after he had multiplied them, he brought them into the land of Canaan, and there planted them wholly a right seed.
Yet this church, whom he brought out of the land of Egypt by the hand of Moses, by the angel which appeared to him in the bush, afterward became a degenerate plant of a strange vine unto him, and shut up the kingdom of heaven against men, agreeable to the words of our text. And in many things these two churches have been alike. For the time of their existence of the earth is nearly alike. From the first rise of Jacobs twelve sons, which were the stocks on which the Jewish church was built; or from the time that Jacob took his wives, down to the time in which Christ chose his apostles, (which were the twelve foundations of the gentile church,) was 1784 years; and from the time that the apostles were chosen until this day, is 1778 years. and furthermore it may be considered, that although the Jewish church was many times broken to pieces for her wickedness, and for the innocent blood that she had shed; yet God did not extinguish her but strove to reclaim her, as we may see by Christs own words "How often would I have gathered your children together, &c. and ye would not." But they strove to uphold the form of religion without the life, and preached the law of Moses, and "omitted the weightier matters, judgment, mercy, and faith," till they shut up the way before them. And has not this been the very track in which the gentile church hath walked> For although she has been broken to pieces, through a sense of the shedding of the blood of the martyrs, yet God has not extinguished her, but strove to reclaim her, as we may see by his calls. How often has God been visiting her young people with the spirit of concern, by which he would have gathered her children together, and she would not. But her teachers have striven to hold up the form of religion, without the life; and have preached and harped upon it, till they have worn it threadbare; so that in many things we can see their bare nakedness. For they have omitted the internal works of the gospel, judgment, mercy and faith, and have dwelt upon the external, until any novice, or beardless boy, may tell their story over again, and be called an elder, or minister of the gospel. So that the christian church stands on no better footing than that of the Jews. And therefore the same ways and means by which the kingdom of heaven was opened then, may be prescribed now through nothing short of a final restoration of religion. For when Christ came to preach unto men the way of the kingdom of heaven, the Jews rejected him, and Christ rejected them, and made himself a friend to publicans and sinners. And that vine, that God brought out of Egypt, he rejected, and cut off her branches, and cast them forth, and grafted the gentiles into her stock, "Until the fullness of the Gentiles should be brought in."
And it appears that the time of the Gentiles is nearly expired. Though Christ said "But of that day and hour knoweth no man." Yet he gave them a sign, "When you shall see Jerusalem compasses with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh." And we have the same signs now of the desolation of the Gentile church. For she is not only encompassed about with armies, against the very seat of her dominion, but she is broken to pieces, so that her trumpet gives an uncertain sound. And there is no greater sign of the desolation of any people than to see internal division among them, with their language confounded.
Fellow sinners, and all who cry for redemption! The way is now before us. There is nothing for us short of a final restoration of the christian religion, and a humble submissive obedience to the laws of its author; and what we cannot do of this, (in that we are weak through the flesh,) God sent forth his own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law may again be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the outward appearance, but after the spirit. And let us pray that God would toke away the veil from mens hearts, that the mystery of iniquity under priest-craft may vanish like a fog, after a long, dark, stormy night, before a rising sun.
And let every man that makes a profession in Christs name, live in the profession of his own true standing. For what have we to boast of? Are we not all sinners by nature? Therefore, if it shall please God, through his infinite goodness and free grace, to send his spirit into our hearts, in the name of his beloved son Jesus Christ, and condemn sin in us, and place in our hearts the hopes of a resurrection unto eternal life; then let us abide in him, as the branch cannot bring forth fruit except it abide in the vine. And let us count the cost; and upon consideration of this invaluable object which he hath promised us, (even eternal life,) let us give up all worldly honor and pleasure, and embrace the cross of Christ, in opposition to all that obey not the scriptures. And let us practice in every point according to our profession, not measuring ourselves by our selves. And if we are overcome through weakness to commit sin, let us not attempt to perform any outward worship with a guilty conscience; but cry to God in secret, day and night, until we are forgiven. And if we have wronged any person, let our first outward worship be, to make restitution to our neighbor, and confess our error as publicly as the case shall require, not regarding any worldly shame; that it may be a warning to others, as we may see by the example of David, who spared not to proclaim his sin to the world.
And the ministers of the gospel must be found following in the footsteps of St. Paul, who warned the elders of the church of Ephesus, saying, "I have coveted no mans silver, or gold, or apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said it is more blesses to give than to receive."
And the secular power; let her no more put herself in Christs place, to make laws to support the gospel, and judge in matters of conscience.
Then shall the veil be taken away, by him that shall cause the light to shine out of darkness, and shall unveil satan in his ministers, who shall be cast out with all their adherents. For these are the hirelings who have so long time scattered Christs sheep, in the cloudy and dark day. "For they wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill; yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them." But now their own shepherd shall lead them in a good pasture; yea, by the springs of water shall be guide them. For he will call unto them, and they will know his voice and follow him. And he shall say unto them, "I am the Lord your God, the creator of Israel, your King." "Yea, before the day was, I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand." For this is he that laid the foundation of the earth; "Who laid the corner-stone thereof, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." And this is he that called Israel out of Egypt; and the same God delivered them out of old Babylon, and now calls his people out of "Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth"; saying, "Come out of her my people, and be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plagues." For God hath remembered her iniquities, even to blot out her name from under heaven. And his people shall answer, we give thee thanks, O Lord God, for true and righteous are thy ways, thou King of saints; for thou hast judged the great whore, who hath shed the blood of saints and martyrs of Jesus, and hath given her blood to drink for she is worthy, and rewarded her, as she hath served us; for we have not forgotten the misery, the wormwood, and the gall, our soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in us. Sing, O ye heavens, for the Lord hath opened your gates. Shout, ye lower parts of the earth; break forth into singing ye mountains; O forest and ever tree therein; for the Lord hath redeemed his church and glorified himself and his people.
And in that day shall this song be sung in
The morning is come, the priests are discovered;
Their traffic has faild them, their race is now run;
The veil is rent off, under which they have hovered,
Their visage is grim, and their splendor is gone.
Companions of light! our foes have done breathing,
Their pomp and their glory with shame they resign;
No longer we bear the reproach of the heathen,
But safely sit under the fig-tree and vine.
We cheer at the shout and sound of the bridegroom,
Whose bride out of heaven, from God, shall descend;
Arrayd with the light, and filled with these tidings
The kingdom of heaven is opened to men!
Ye prisoners of hope, yea, all whove been hindered;
And each son of Adam, whose heart doth incline,
Come drink of his wine, come walk in his vineyard,
And safely sit under the fig-tree and vine.
These many long years our souls have been crying,
While priest-craft was sailing in pleasure so gay;
Our bodies lay low, all gasping and dying,
And no man was suffered to bear them away.
Our time is now come, let us shout for the morning;
Our fear is all gone, not a foe can we find;
We now triumph over their mocking and scorning,
And safely sit under the fig-tree and vine.
When once the good spirit of Christ is deserted,
And satans black spirit turns back to the hole;
Poor man and his foe no more shall be parted,
Eternal destruction must prey on the soul.
The priests in advancing have passd the meridian,
To land in perdition theyve all crossd the line;
Were no more a prey to their traffic and trading,
But safely sit under the fig-tree and vine.
For ages to come we will narrate the story;
Like Korah and Dathan, theyve run their careers;
And the earth with her bars, ahs closd on their glory,
And finishd their work for a thousand long years.
Their work is now done, and death is their wages,
And hell their companion theyve now gone to join;
O, triumph and sing ye ensuing ages,
And safely sit under the fig-tree and vine.
A victim of shame, old priest-craft is laying,
At the port of destruction has landed her crew,
And floated across and her hulk lies up drying,
With her rigging stript off so we bid her adieu.
Now all clap your hands, with your voices extended;
With a mutual ringing the echo shall join;
From our proud enemies we are defended,
And safely sit under the fig-tree and vine.
Our long-standing trade, in fruits of the college,
Is now at an end, our books are all closed;
On a fair scale of dealing our friends must acknowledge,
And not only they, but likewise our foes.
And all that refuse their names to the paper,
In witness thereof, to seal and to sign;
The truth, though defamed, shall cut like a rapier,
And prune off such snags from the fig-tree and vine.
The Repenting Sinners Song to the Priest, at the Discharge of his Duty.
Come all ye sons of men, a mystery behold;
Can worship of the eternal God, be priced, or bought with gold?
When worship doth approach, -- there lucre hath not ceasd,
But money passeth round the room, to the pocket of the priest.
In words he craves but small; in honor he is held;
Deceitful soul, weve found him out, he never can be
And now, you hold priests, with all your sacred throng;
Come forth before the sinful world, that you may hear the song.
Can you go in the fold, by Christ, who is the door,
And preach to us Gods sacred word, and steal, and play the
I say, ye holy priests; can you such deeds maintain,
And preach the gospel to the world, and sell the same for gain?
[* We would insist to the reader, that it is not our aim to expose the character of individuals, so much as the errors of the times. And since we have taken this pains, it is our wish that any of our friends, that differ with us in sentiment, would take the pains (not privately but publicly) to expose the errors they see in us.]
Yere base, like Sodoms sons, whose luxury you
And shall you not be punishd, with that same eternal fire?
Your snare is laid so deep, to catch the soul of man,
That none but Gods eternal eye, can see your horrid plan.
And none can make it known, but God that dwells aloft;
He shall disclose your dismal snares, and rend your fetters off.
Yere snakes within the grass, the world shall see full
When God shall break your covenant, with devils, and with hell.
At shame you cannot blush, destruction you have won,
And proved yourself, by all your deeds, to be perditions
Fill up your fathers cup, that God may look to you,
For all the blood that has been shed, by that infernal crew.
And that Christs little flock, that suffered for his
May have the honor due to them, to your eternal shame
They laid their bodies down, and let you take their life,
As lambs lie down when they are slain, under the butchers
Within that bloody house, where all such work is done,
Composed of devil, church and state, completely framed in one;
Twas there those gentle lambs received their bitter sorrow,
And now, behold, that tragedy has markd the world with
For now the Lord has risn, in answer to their cry,
And whet his sword, and raisd it up, that horrid case to
O priest! what will you do, in this your awful case!
Cry to the rocks and mountains too, to hide you from his face.
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